Happy Thursday!!! What's so happy about Thursday? I'm not sure...but I feel like Thursday doesn't get enough credit. So there. Anyways...people (including myself) are strange. They spend their money on weird things.
Boobs: They are annoying. People actually buy them. They get in the way, they hurt, they prevent you from running properly, and they take attention away from your face. You don't believe me? I am the perfect spokesperson...I suffer every time I run up and down the stairs.
Heels: I am guilty for purchasing these death traps. Yes, they make my legs look long and 10 lbs skinnier..but they are sneaky. You try them on for 5 minutes and they are "so comfortable!" Have you noticed that at the end of every fun event, women end up barefoot? That's because heels hurt. The human foot is not meant to wear such a shoe. Yet...I still buy them. Funny how we compromise our comfort for pretty feet.
Spicy Food: I hate it. Many people love it and tell me that I will build tolerance and end up loving it too. I shouldn't have to build tolerance to like food. I don't like to suffer while I eat. Eating is for survival and pleasure...not for fire in the mouth that lingers no matter how much water you drink. Maybe I'm missing out on a world of flavors. I'll survive.
Fake Nails: I have purchased these. One day I calculated how much they cost a year...about $700 dollars. Uh, do you know how much food that could buy (non-spicy)? Funny, sometimes I see people who claim to be struggling with money wearing their beautiful fake nails. You are not struggling. Look at the news...travel...do something that will give you perspective. Although they are pretty, they are super high maintenance...and make you feel obligated to go to nail salon every 2 weeks.
Expensive Bar Drinks: I am guilty of purchasing such a drink. Every time I look at the tab..I want to kick myself in the face. Was it worth it? Great.. I just paid $50 bucks for a headache when I could have made my own headache drink at home. And, I wouldn't have to figure out a ride home. I'd already be there. This dumb purchase usually coincides with the purchase of Heels. I don't mind the occasional drink..but when one purchases several drinks at a bar, they are basically paying for poison...really expensive poison.
Vanity License Plates: These are actually dangerous. They are easier to remember than ordinary plates...so if you cut someone off by mistake..they won't forget you...and there are crazy people our there that want to hurt bad drivers. Be safe, don't waste your money on a vanity license plate.
Strip Clubs: Really, do I have to explain? Yes, someone of these dancers are super talented...and because of a recent video I watched, I have a higher respect for the art of pole dancing. But strip clubs are trashy...and a huge tease. If you weren't so busy at a strip club...maybe you would be out on a real date...meeting the love of your life who can do a private strip tease for you...for free.
The link provided below will make you appreciate pole dancing. This girl has the strongest core I have ever seen.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
You were here.
It hurts to feel so I remain blank
A part of me knows this is real
but my heart tells me it’s a mistake
My heart hurts when I think of you
When you left,
a piece of me left too
I’ll never
be the same..and I’m proud of that
All that’s left
are photos and memories slowly sneak back
Although I
can’t see you, I can still hear your laugh
You were in
so much pain, and now that you are free
Your pain
has traveled to me..and I’m thankful
This heartache
is proof that you were here
It’s a
permanent scar that I hold dear
I can’t face
reality, and I don’t think I ever will
This hasn't gotten any easier
There is so
much in me that you have instilled
Will this
ever get easier?
This isn't a loss. You were never mine to lose.
But I have lost a part of my self and you brought it with you.
How do people move on when they refuse to feel the pain?
You were here. You are here. The proof is that we miss you.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Drawer Jam Relates To Life
If you know me, you are probably aware that I like to over analyze every simple situation to it's fullest. I have some shocking news for you...I did it again tonight. It all started when I decided to bake cookies...because duh...cookies create deep moments. Wait...they don't for you? Well, that's awkward.
Anyways..as I was saying-I decided to bake cookies. The cookies were finally finished baking..and when I say finished, I mean extremely undercooked (yum). Don't mind the conjoined cookies, they are in love. Ok..enough rambling.
Once they were finished..I went to grab a spatula from my kitchen drawer. I pulled the drawer quickly and realized it was jammed. I continued to pull/jerk the drawer quickly and..nothing. Jammed. A few moments later, I took a deep breath and decided to pull the drawer very slowly..and wallah-it opened just like that..with no struggle.
It then dawned on me...life experiences involve many jams. We tend to attempt to get out of them quickly..with no patience. Sometimes life jams require a deep breath and patience. When yanking the drawer..I rushed it with no patience or deep thought.
Next time you have a life jam...inhale then exhale...and have some patience. It will work itself out and then you will be able to enjoy your amazing undercooked cookies.
Food for thought? eh?
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Notebook...
Many romantic movies involve someone that is torn between two people. Who is the right choice? Usually movies make the choice so easy. The director tends to make the choice so obvious by creating a scene that will eventually make one character more favorable. Movies tend to lie..they make choices seem so easy...so predictable.
Some claim that The Notebook is unrealistic. I disagree. Noah and Lon were extremely different...but both great choices. The director made both characters likable. They are both romantic..gentlemen..hardworking..witty..and they were both proud to say that they loved Allie. It doesn't hurt that they were both attractive...
The obvious difference is that Noah and Lon came from different backgrounds. Lon made more sense financially because in Allie's parent's eyes...their daughter would never have to struggle. Allie's parents had all the right to see Lon as the better choice. It made "sense". The Notebook is special because Allie's choice wasn't easy.
She mentally and physically struggled with her decision. If she went by her logic instead of her heart, she would have ended up with Lon. The fact that her decision was so difficult..is the sole reason her situation was so romantic. She chose Noah. She followed her heart. The answer wasn't obvious because they were both amazing men....
In life...there isn't always one obvious choice. Sometimes...more than one choice could work out. It's okay to have several paths to choose from..even if they all have wonderful outcomes. Although Noah and Allie weren't perfect matches and they didn't make sense...they still chose one another. They were so crazy about one another...that they were willing to work their asses off to stay together...no matter the struggle.
That is true love.
...keep in mind..this mentality could be delusional...the quote "love conquers all" can sometimes be used as an excuse to stay in an unhealthy relationship. But this doesn't apply to this situation.
My dear friend, Sean Wynkoop: "If she really loved the poor guy, she would have married the rich guy, skipped a pre-nup, divorced his sorry ass, then made him pay alimony payments the rest of his life so that Rachel McAdams could support Ryan Gosling. That's sacrifice. That's true love."
^Point well taken.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Frozen Moments
It's crazy how a thin piece of old paper can trigger so many emotions. A memory can be lost for years...as if it never happened..then you look at a picture and all of a sudden your brain's filing cabinet reveals many things. My whole life I have always rushed forward...I wanted to be older...I wanted freedom...I wanted to be liked...I wanted to be with friends over family (friends that really weren't friends..) Maybe that's why I forgot so much...because I was moving too quickly.
My grandpa passed away on Thursday. He was such a strong man. After several heart attacks and two broken necks...he refused to die. Once diagnosed with dementia..things started to go downhill rather quickly. No matter how much he suffered...he always had his humor and his goal in life was to talk to every single stranger with the goal of making them laugh or smile (even if it involved making them laughing at him...it still made him happy).
In the recent years, I have been so used to seeing him feel sick and grow old...that I forgot about the Grandpa that I truly cherished for the majority of my life. Looking at pictures tonight brought him back. It's funny...for years I have wondered why my mom and grandmother never threw anything away. I am so thankful for that annoying quality after tonight. I found letters that I wrote to my grandparents as a kid and several photos that I will hold onto forever.
I would have forgotten about these amazing pictures and embarrassing letters if it weren't for my amazing grandmother and mom for saving everything.
My grandpa passed away on Thursday. He was such a strong man. After several heart attacks and two broken necks...he refused to die. Once diagnosed with dementia..things started to go downhill rather quickly. No matter how much he suffered...he always had his humor and his goal in life was to talk to every single stranger with the goal of making them laugh or smile (even if it involved making them laughing at him...it still made him happy).
In the recent years, I have been so used to seeing him feel sick and grow old...that I forgot about the Grandpa that I truly cherished for the majority of my life. Looking at pictures tonight brought him back. It's funny...for years I have wondered why my mom and grandmother never threw anything away. I am so thankful for that annoying quality after tonight. I found letters that I wrote to my grandparents as a kid and several photos that I will hold onto forever.
- On the left is a letter from me telling my Grandpa what he can and can't do at my 9th birthday party: "List of what you can and can't do. 1. You can hug me 2. You can say hi 3. You can say hi to my friends. 1. You can't sing 2. You can't kiss me 3. You can't dress up as a clown." -Needless to say..I was a brat.
- On the right is another letter from me on 12/18/98. "Grandpa is special to me because he gives me lots of candy. My Grandpa is also special because he spoils me and gives me ice cream. He has lots of funny jokes."...again...such a brat and overdosed with sugar.
I would have forgotten about these amazing pictures and embarrassing letters if it weren't for my amazing grandmother and mom for saving everything.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
The School Bus
I should be asleep right now, but hey you only have a blog once right? Eh not true.. but thank you for witnessing my attempt at being witty.
I wake up every morning at 7:28am; slightly random, but 7:20 is too early and 7:30 is too late. Therefore, 7:28 it is. I leave for work at 8:20am. Even if I leave five minutes earlier, I still manage to get stuck behind that damn school bus. On a two lane, two way road...there's no way I'm getting in front of that bus for a good 15 minutes. It used to bother me, but then I decided to view it as an opportunity.
I decided to observe every stop it made. Every stop was so different. Kids fighting...kids laughing...kids hugging their parents goodbye...some kids waiting patiently all alone. I felt extremely nostalgic.
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School bus days |
Such a wonderful..strange age. So young. So naive-but this is not necessarily a bad thing. Being naive can be healthy....to an extent. At a certain age, there are certain things that children should not worry or know about. Once one worry starts..others are triggered. Which is probably why the older we get...the more worries seem to appear. Life gets more and more complicated.
I'm not saying that growing up is tragic. With great responsibility comes more freedom. It's just a weird feeling to drive past your childhood memories as you are commuting to your full time...post-college...adult job.
It's interesting that a school bus could trigger all of these thoughts. Welcome to the world of my daily commute.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
If you know me, you are probably aware that I have no concept of privacy. I have a tendency of revealing a lot about myself to others. There really isn't much I feel the need to hide. I even share things that I should be embarrassed about, probably because I get a kick out of triggering various reactions. I am not a private person. With that said...I'm in a relationship..and I am going to write about it.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 1/2 years. And I am proud to say that we are nowhere near perfect. As a matter of fact..I think we are discovering that we constantly have things to work on, which is a beautiful thing. Not only are we learning about one another, but we are simultaneously learning about ourselves-and we will continue to meet ourselves again and again. It's normal to have doubts in a relationship; In life, we make choices and commitments and it's important to question everything we do. A friend of mine once said that if we over analyze and doubt a situation long enough, then we will always be able to find a reason out. There is always a reason out of any commitment that we make in life. This doesn't mean that giving up is the only option. We are living in a world where people seem to be giving up more easily. Yes, some relationships truly need to end...but I feel that more couples needs to live by this philosophy:
A reporter asked the couple, "How did you manage to stay together for 65 years?" The woman replied, "We were born in a time when if something was broken we would fix it, not throw it away.." -Source
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My Grandparents have been married for almost 60 years |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I am a planner. I always have been. To-Do lists have been my operating system/savior...even if it's 10 years in advance, I've probably planned it. I cross things off my daily lists with a sigh of relief...and then there is an odd pause of dissatisfaction. Why?
The car is a dangerous place. This is where I have my deepest darkest thoughts, and it's completely unintentional. I have one simple thought about grocery shopping and then all of a sudden I'm wondering what people will say at my funeral. Depressing? No. Just curious. Don't make fun of me, we've all wondered the same thing.
Anyways...I was in the car thinking today. Yes, danger zone. I started thinking about my life goals...whether it may be a book to complete, a country to visit, a musical to perform in, a meal to eat, getting married, having kids...yes there is a wide range of random goals. I then started to think about where I am in life compared to other people my age and if I'm happy with that. I believe that I am on the right track with only the best intentions.
Although I have accomplished more than I thought I ever would...I am looking forward to reaching other goals. As a matter of fact..I'm especially looking forward to looking forward. (Uh...explain?) What I mean to say is that sometimes looking forward to something truly is the most exciting part about completing a goal.
I earlier stated that there is an odd pause of dissatisfaction when checking something off my list. It's because that long waited process and hard work is over for that goal. This isn't a bad thing. It just comes to show, that we can miss looking forward to exciting things.
I can plan all I want...but life isn't going to necessarily go by my plans. I'm not in control of everything. Sometimes we have to learn to go with the flow..hope for the best...but work as hard as we possibly can (unless it's nap time-that's important). Life will take you where your plans didn't know they wanted to go.
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Courtesy of Emma Snow telling me to jump in a random field. |
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Crisp Air & Changing Leaves
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Home Sweet Home a couple years ago |
Living in Maryland is quite enjoyable..I get to experience all four seasons. Winter is only fun when it snows-and yeah, the Holidays are fun too. Spring brings the amazing thunder storms and flowers. Summer is an even more intense Spring. And then there is Fall...my fav. Fall means many things to me.
- Fresh crisp air
- Colors
- Ricciuti's Butternut Squash Bisque
- Hot apple cider
- Wine Festivals
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Feeling comfortable in a T-shirt or a sweater-take your pick!
- Scarves
- Boots
- Windows open at all times
- Pumpkin Spice Candles
- Craving more naps
- Candy Corn
- Hearing my friends get excited about football
- Giving Trick-Or-Treaters candy when I secretly want to be running house to house with them
- The spiders are bigger and for someone reason they like to throw surprise parties in my car
- Never raking the leaves because they will be back with a vengeance within an hour
- Hocus Pocus and Halloween Town are on television.
- My appetite increases in preparation for my body to gain insulation for the winter
- Sugar Loaf Mountain
Fall is my favorite. It's brings me happiness, taste-bud satisfaction, guilt free naps, and it smells amazing. Last night was my first night of feeling the crisp cool air, and I enjoyed every shiver. As I type this, I am inhaling the amazing scent of my Pumpkin Spice candle and I feel the cool breeze through my open window. Life is good.
Dear Autumn,
I missed you. Please don't ever leave me again. This is my love letter to you.
P.S. Seriously, don't transition into Winter.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
I am not religious. I guess I am spiritual? Ugh, I dislike labels. I believe that if I treat people the way I want to be treated, then maybe I'm doing something right. As a philosophy minor, I am basically programmed to doubt and question everything. It's always been a constant struggle for me to find a single belief and stick to it. I like to explore and take a little bit from each experience and added knowledge.
I am culturally Jewish, but I always find myself listening to the Christian radio station. First of all, I'm sick of the "popular" songs that are continually repeated. My ears can no longer handle "Wide Awake".."Payphone"..etc. Enough already. The Christian radio station gives me positive vibes and a chance to reflect on my life. Sometimes I get uncomfortable and awkward when they talk about Jesus and stuff...but hey, he was a fellow Jew, right? Anyways...enough rambling. I heard this one song the other day and it really touched me.
There are various events in my life that seemed heartbreaking or rough...but looking back...they have led me to such beauty. I am thankful for the tough times...and I'm dreading the future ones...but secretly know that I have no choice but to get through them.
I am culturally Jewish, but I always find myself listening to the Christian radio station. First of all, I'm sick of the "popular" songs that are continually repeated. My ears can no longer handle "Wide Awake".."Payphone"..etc. Enough already. The Christian radio station gives me positive vibes and a chance to reflect on my life. Sometimes I get uncomfortable and awkward when they talk about Jesus and stuff...but hey, he was a fellow Jew, right? Anyways...enough rambling. I heard this one song the other day and it really touched me.
Blessings by Laura Story
We pray for blessings We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
_story/blessings.html ]
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
Are what it takes to know You're near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise
There are various events in my life that seemed heartbreaking or rough...but looking back...they have led me to such beauty. I am thankful for the tough times...and I'm dreading the future ones...but secretly know that I have no choice but to get through them.
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These were taken at the fair within the same time frame. One side of the sky was dark and scary...the other side was beautiful. It reminds me of the song above...there is "beauty in the breakdown". |
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Moderate Conformists.
I saw this quote today. It is true to a degree, with the exception of those levels that I would never dare stoop to. I took a social psychology course in college and we discussed the topic of conforming. We all conform- some not enough..and some way too much. I guess I enjoy the Buddhist mentality of the "middle way"...another way of saying: moderation. I'm rambling...
The point is that there are High Conformists (HS) vs Low Conformists (LC). The HC will change their self completely based on their surroundings. They will change their belief system, their mannerisms, speaking patterns and their entire personality in general. This person has no consistence when it comes to their self. The LC is the complete opposite. They don't conform at all. Which is worse?
Being at either extreme is a problem. The HC changes to make everyone happy in their life. They will agree with anyone at any time. The LC will go against anything just because they want to be different..both can be dangerous. The HC could harm their emotional health by conforming to any situation. The LC could become a complete anarchist and harm others around them just to avoid conforming to any rule or social norm.
I don't like extremes in any situation. Maybe that makes me an extremist against extremes? Rambling again. The reason I started writing this post is because I'm realizing we are all actors to a point. We must moderately conform to live a happy life.
I behave differently with my supervisors at work than I would with my best friends. I behave differently with my boyfriend than I would with relatives. I behave differently with my siblings than I would with a complete stranger. We all change to a point depending on the given situation. But are we doing this in a healthy manner? Are we staying consistent at all? We are all actors. Hopefully..we are moderately conforming.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
My First Fried Rice
Hi there! I love food. For a while there..I was learning how to create things in the kitchen. It's been hard lately because I've had less free time. The other day at work, I smelled the most amazing thing. It was my co-workers lunch. After 5 minutes of telling her how amazing it looked and smelled, she offered me a bite. It was her version of fried rice, with vegetables and tofu. It inspired me to create my own.
You may be wondering why there is no meat in this dish. I've been trying to limit my meat intake. No, I am not a vegetarian, but I have found that there are other sources of iron and protein..and it's fun to explore!
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Brown Rice-Scrambled Eggs-Green Beans-Minced Onions- Olive Oil- Curry- and Sea Salt |
It's comforting to know that the food you're eating tastes good...but let's take it a step further and make that same meal flavorful and healthy at the same time! Below are health benefits of each main ingredient in my recipe. Keep in mind, moderation is key (I say this over and over again) Just because there is soy sauce in my healthy fried rice..doesn't mean that you should drink soy sauce. K-glad we understand that.
Brown Rice
- Lowers risk of diabetes
- High in fiber
- May prevent weight gain
- May lower cholesterol
- Promotes bone health
- Great for the eyes-may prevent macular degeneration
- Contains protein and Vitamin D
- Helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.
- Healthy hair and nails
Green Bean
- Great source of fiber
- Contain Vitamins C, K, A, and B
- Great source of potassium, iron beta-carotene
- Improve the integrity of blood vessels
- Decrease inflammation
- May inhibit tumor growth
- Contains Vitamin C and Chromium
Make this dish-it tastes good. K bye!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Causal chain, it's up to you.
"But the more I see the less I understand
Watching as the water swallows the land
I'm starting to believe there was never a plan
That the world's gone mad
Something's out of order, out of place
Nothing we were taught is happening today
If you are the maker watching down
What a mess you're making on this town"- Missy Higgins
Various events have caused me to slightly lose faith in humanity. But then there are those moments that bring hope back. Goodness does exist; and when we feel it has become lost, we shouldn't try to find it...we should create it whenever we can.
As much as I admire Missy Higgins, I must say that I disagree with her lyrics. She blames our creator for the problems in the world. I have yet to establish my belief system...but whether God is real or not...we cannot sit here and blame Him/It/She for the negativity surrounding us.
I am extremely tired of people blaming God for their problems. Of course, as soon as they need something, they go straight to Him and feel entitled to every blessing they wish for. If God exists, He gave us a brain...He gave us choices...He gave us the ability to take responsibility for our actions and the consequences to follow.
We are a causal chain; what we do impacts the world whether we realize it or not. I have recently been investing more of my time observing the media. The media tends to deliver bad news often. It's everywhere. We need to change that. The world can't be perfect, but why not strive for it? It's up to each and every one of us. The world seems bad, but it's not. We get so tied up in the most meaningless things...that we miss beauty and goodness when it's directly in front of us.
.."Be Kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.."
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Yoga Technique in the Bedroom
This entry is merely about falling asleep using yoga technique. Some people don't consider sleep an important part of their life...but it is a priority in mine. I highly believe in recharging. Actually, it's not a belief...recharging is a necessity. I took a yoga course in college thinking it would be my "easy" class. It was actually one of my most challenging classes of the semester. I have been intrigued ever since and continue my yoga practice when I can. I am attending this yoga festival in August: You should go!
I have difficulty falling asleep. My mind doesn't stop and sometimes I just have too much energy. There is a yoga position that can assist in falling asleep:
Shavasana (shä·väˑ·s

n “corpse pose,” a component of yoga practice that promotes a state of homeostasis, thus allowing the person to release emotional and physical tension; performed at the end of all the asanas.
- Lie on your back with a small pillow under your head (you want your whole body to be mostly flat)
- Arms at side-palms facing up to the ceiling.
- Legs straight out-uncrossed.
- I was also taught to wear an eye mask...this forces the body to know it's time for sleep.
- Make sure your body is covered with a blanket.
Shavasana relaxes the body and mind; it relaxes one's organs, skin, and muscles. It has been known to cure insomnia. Why rely on medications when you can try natural remedies first? You don't have to be a yoga expert to master this pose. It requires little flexibility and experience.
With sincere innocence...I suggest you use yoga technique in the bedroom. Oh, and with sincere open-mindedness...I suggest you use other yoga techniques in the bedroom as well. Take that any way you would like!
Monday, July 2, 2012
We are Bad Ass
Hi. I feel Bad Ass on a regular basis. And you should as well. No, I have not jumped out of a plane yet (one day), but there are simple daily events that should make us feel... Bad Ass. I will now refrain from cursing. I feel super Bad-A when I attempt to not cuss, although I'm not always successful. I have attempted the following activities and they have made me feel Bad-A. You should try them.
Okay. If you ever feel lame...or un-Bad-A...look in the mirror and think about what you do on a daily basis. You are most likely Bad-A. If you still don't feel Bad-A...then do something about it. That, my friend, would be super Bad Ass.
- Singing...anywhere. Even if you suck.
- Driving on the highway. I didn't attempt this until age 20. Why? It scared the living daylights out of me.
- Shaving. Hey, those blades are sharp-you are taking a huge risk every time you embark on this journey.
- Smiling at a stranger. They will either smile back or they will not reciprocate. You are risking rejection while attempting to spread joy.
- Exercising. I don't care how you do this as long as it benefits your body. You go Glen-Co-Co!
- Face Mask. I don't know why, but I feel Bad-A whenever I put one on.
- Proving someone wrong.
- Admitting when you are wrong.
- Wake up early (before 9) and take a gorgeous picture!
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Early Morning Bumble Bee |
- Being that tiny little sperm that made it! That's a huge success! Congrats!
- Learning to play a challenging song on the piano...even if it's not challenging to others.
- Attempting to try something new. You are risking failure, which is Bad-A....but only if you attempt it again.
- Dancing in public...or private..hehe.
- Learning an entire rap song. Preferably "Hoe" by Ludacris.
- Merely getting off your lazy butt and doing SOMETHING productive. You are risking getting hit by a train or something..who knows.
- Serving tables. Everybody needs to work in a restaurant at least once in their life. They will become a better person.
- Travelling. It's liberating. Do it while you can.
- Camping. Duh.
- Hold a cloud.
- Reading my blog. That's pretty Bad-A. You know what's even better..writing your own. You are interesting.
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Hold a Cloud. |
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Break a dangerous work habit.
Ricciutis is physically active. I run up and down and up and down and up and down steps the entire night. Let's just say that I burn a lot of calories. At my office job, however, I sit and work on a computer. Sitting turns into slouching which then turns into the position of crossing my legs. After a few minutes of crossing my legs, it starts to become very uncomfortable and almost painful.
What do I like to do with my free time? Research random topics. Therefore, I decided to research the dangers of crossing one's legs. After my intense research session, I have now decided to tell all my loved ones to stop crossing those legs. Such a small habit can be EXTREMELY dangerous to one's health.
- Impacts blood flow. It can cause extremely poor circulation. This can lead to leg cramps, numbness, pain, and fatigue, which will eventually impact the entire body's circulation.
- Crossing your legs can also put pressure on the veins behind the knee, this can cause strain to the heart.
- Crossing your legs may create varicose veins. These are not only unappealing, but may also lead to many health hazards.
- It will impact your posture. When you cross your legs, it puts unnecessary pressure on your hips and spine.
It's so hard to break this habit. I have been focusing really hard to sit properly in my office chair. It takes a lot of brain power. I have basically been rocking the "Princess Diary position", which involves my ankles being crossed. I always get tempted to say..."Thank you for being here today!" (In my Genovian accent, duh!)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Eat chocolate. It's good..and stuff.
I recently went to Europe. This was my second time being there. Each visit I have purchased large amounts of chocolate to take home with me. When receiving a strange look from the cashier..I respond with, "No, I'm not depressed...Yes, I love chocolate...No, I'm not sharing it (hehe, kidding)". Why do I buy so much chocolate when in Europe? It's better there. The End. The purpose of this entry is not to discuss my vices, but merely to teach myself and others that chocolate does have its benefits. Whenever I eat too much of something, I usually research the benefits in order to decrease guilt :)
- Milk chocolate contains phosphate, which prevents the teeth from decaying.
- It's considered a mild stimulant.
- It's high in vitamins B1, B2, D, and E. It also contains potassium and magnesium.
- It's known to lower blood pressure.
- This amazing treat also contains loads of antioxidants which boost the immune system.
- It is said that it may also lower cholesterol.
With that said...I'm not recommending that people should eat chocolate with every meal. Although there are benefits, I'm sure with research I could find harmful effects as well. Moderation is key. Even water is harmful when consumed in ridiculously large amounts.
As I type, I am putting a piece of Galaxy chocolate in my mouth; it's also bed time. I should probably start practicing what I preach...I'll work on that tomorrow. K bye!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Pedicures and Boobs.
There are times that I spend money and I become extremely guilty. Examples..getting a car wash...eating Chipotle...getting a pedicure, etc. I could do/make these things myself- but these people just do it better and faster. Therefore, I'm paying for the convenience, and I shall enjoy my shoppers remorse.
Speaking of a pedicure, I got one today. And I only felt guilty on the drive there. Once it started, I began a conversation with a nail technician that I will never forget. As soon as I put my feet in the amazing hot water, I noticed the lady staring at my chest. While ignoring the awkward stare, she blurts out.."I love your big boobs, people pay for those in my country". I replied..."They are real, and you can have them if you'd like". After realizing how outspoken this woman was...I decided that I liked her. I put my iPhone away and continued the conversation with her. She also thought I was still in high school, so I definitely loved this person.
I truly value my freedom to choose. I'm not sure when I'm going to get married...but I do know that it is going to be my choice. Whoops, OUR choice. And we are going to be happy.
Yay for influential pedicures. K bye!
Speaking of a pedicure, I got one today. And I only felt guilty on the drive there. Once it started, I began a conversation with a nail technician that I will never forget. As soon as I put my feet in the amazing hot water, I noticed the lady staring at my chest. While ignoring the awkward stare, she blurts out.."I love your big boobs, people pay for those in my country". I replied..."They are real, and you can have them if you'd like". After realizing how outspoken this woman was...I decided that I liked her. I put my iPhone away and continued the conversation with her. She also thought I was still in high school, so I definitely loved this person.
She seemed very interested in my relationship with my boyfriend and was so excited to hear that I chose him. That really confused me until she later explained that her marriage was arranged. She met her husband the day before her wedding.Her mother chose him. She had just turned 20 and he was 34. Wow. I couldn't believe it. I really take my freedom of choice for granted. Arranged marriages are more common than we think. And this was my first time talking with someone who has experienced it. Because she was so outspoken, I figured I'd be the same. I asked if she was happy, and surprisingly, she said yes! The only thing she would have changed is the fact that she was so young. Which makes sense because I was a completely different person at that age. I'm not against getting married at that age, as long as you can find someone to grow and change with as the years go by.
Yay for influential pedicures. K bye!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Samples are the Cat's Meow!
Confession: I love free samples; whether it's food...beauty supplies...anything...I love them. I look forward to any event in which I will sample something: Wine tastings...Costco...Trader Joe's...free beauty gifts from Macy's. I love it.
Ok, one more confession. If I have used your shower, I have probably used every product in it (except your razor of course). Even if you have 5 shampoos, I will wash my hair 5 times if I have to. That sounds super insane...but using someone's shower is an adventure into the world of unknown products! Duh. It's super tempting..and no one ever catches me. Well, It's no longer a secret. Please don't let this discourage you from sharing your shower with friends. They probably sample all of your stuff too, they just don't admit it like I do.
Israel taught me many things. I met amazing people and learned a lot about myself and others. Towards the end of my trip, a few amazing girls educated me about...
Ok, one more confession. If I have used your shower, I have probably used every product in it (except your razor of course). Even if you have 5 shampoos, I will wash my hair 5 times if I have to. That sounds super insane...but using someone's shower is an adventure into the world of unknown products! Duh. It's super tempting..and no one ever catches me. Well, It's no longer a secret. Please don't let this discourage you from sharing your shower with friends. They probably sample all of your stuff too, they just don't admit it like I do.
Israel taught me many things. I met amazing people and learned a lot about myself and others. Towards the end of my trip, a few amazing girls educated me about...
Jasper loves Birchbox too. I get the products...and he gets a new box to play with. Yay! If you are interested in this..let me know, I can invite you to sign up!
I would continue to type, but I feel as if you have gotten the point. Also...my cat keeps jumping on my laptop and rubbing his face on mine. I can no longer breathe. K bye!
Friday, May 4, 2012
BakedGoods&Siblings: In the same place at the same time.
I am very blessed. I have five siblings. Four are Hersons and one is a Bell: Two half siblings...two full siblings...and one step. However, they are all of equal value to me as brothers and sisters. Whether we share both parents, one parent, or no parent...we are siblings and we are all different in our own way.
Scott lives in California. Emily lives in Virginia. Kathleen lives in North Carolina. Michael lives twenty minutes from me. Bradley lives in Towson. We are scattered. It is very rare that we are all in one place at the same time.
My dad had his 60th Birthday last weekend! The Herson children decided to throw him a birthday bash with about 80 guests. Although I was stressed the entire day because stressing out is what I like to do on a regular basis...the party was a huge success. Why was it a success? Because all five Herson children were together at the same place at the same time. It really hit me, we will never live under the same roof again. We are adults. Strange. Heck...two of my siblings are now parents. I am an aunt, a crazy aunt.
Why else was the party a success? Because after about 5 glasses of wine (one gets me loopy...so you could only imagine)...I decided to hand out the brownies I baked earlier in the day. I chose to tell all of the guests that the brownies were special...even though they clearly weren't. You should have seen the excitement on these people's faces. I couldn't help but enjoy their reactions and continue to fib throughout the entire night.
Moral of the story...Hug your siblings, and if you don't have any...hug a friend. And if you don't have any friends..hug a tree :) Also, don't lie to people about your baked goods. They will get really excited.
Scott lives in California. Emily lives in Virginia. Kathleen lives in North Carolina. Michael lives twenty minutes from me. Bradley lives in Towson. We are scattered. It is very rare that we are all in one place at the same time.
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Michael, Scott, Silvie (sister in-law), Dad, Bradley, Emily, and I |
My dad had his 60th Birthday last weekend! The Herson children decided to throw him a birthday bash with about 80 guests. Although I was stressed the entire day because stressing out is what I like to do on a regular basis...the party was a huge success. Why was it a success? Because all five Herson children were together at the same place at the same time. It really hit me, we will never live under the same roof again. We are adults. Strange. Heck...two of my siblings are now parents. I am an aunt, a crazy aunt.
Why else was the party a success? Because after about 5 glasses of wine (one gets me loopy...so you could only imagine)...I decided to hand out the brownies I baked earlier in the day. I chose to tell all of the guests that the brownies were special...even though they clearly weren't. You should have seen the excitement on these people's faces. I couldn't help but enjoy their reactions and continue to fib throughout the entire night.
Moral of the story...Hug your siblings, and if you don't have any...hug a friend. And if you don't have any friends..hug a tree :) Also, don't lie to people about your baked goods. They will get really excited.
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