Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yoga Technique in the Bedroom

Oh...did you think this was going to be a dirty post? Shame on you! Yes, I have been reading Fifty Shades of Grey..but that doesn't mean I'm going to write about it in detail. C'mon-don't be silly! 

     This entry is merely about falling asleep using yoga technique. Some people don't consider sleep an important part of their life...but it is a priority in mine. I highly believe in recharging. Actually, it's not a belief...recharging is a necessity. I took a yoga course in college thinking it would be my "easy" class. It was actually one of my most challenging classes of the semester. I have been intrigued ever since and continue my yoga practice when I can. I am attending this yoga festival in August: You should go!

 I have difficulty falling asleep. My mind doesn't stop and sometimes I just have too much energy. There is a yoga position that can assist in falling asleep
 Shavasana (shä·väˑ·s·n),
n “corpse pose,” a component of yoga practice that promotes a state of homeostasis, thus allowing the person to release emotional and physical tension; performed at the end of all the asanas.
Jonas: Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (c) 2005, Elsevier.

  • Lie on your back with a small pillow under your head (you want your whole body to be mostly flat)
  • Arms at side-palms facing up to the ceiling.
  • Legs straight out-uncrossed. 
  • I was also taught to wear an eye mask...this forces the body to know it's time for sleep. 
  • Make sure your body is covered with a blanket. 
     Shavasana relaxes the body and mind; it relaxes one's organs, skin, and muscles. It has been known to cure insomnia. Why rely on medications when you can try natural remedies first? You don't have to be a yoga expert to master this pose. It requires little flexibility and experience. 

    With sincere innocence...I suggest you use yoga technique in the bedroom. Oh, and with sincere open-mindedness...I suggest you use other yoga techniques in the bedroom as well. Take that any way you would like! 

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