Sunday, October 7, 2012


    If you know me, you are probably aware that I have no concept of privacy. I have a tendency of revealing a lot about myself to others. There really isn't much I feel the need to hide. I even share things that I should be embarrassed about, probably because I get a kick out of triggering various reactions. I am not a private person.  With that said...I'm in a relationship..and I am going to write about it. 
     My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 1/2 years. And I am proud to say that we are nowhere near perfect. As a matter of fact..I think we are discovering that we constantly have things to work on, which is a beautiful thing. Not only are we learning about one another, but we are simultaneously learning about ourselves-and we will continue to meet ourselves again and again. 
     It's normal to have doubts in a relationship; In life, we make choices and commitments and it's important to question everything we do. A friend of mine once said that if we over analyze and doubt a situation long enough, then we will always be able to find a reason out. There is always a reason out of any commitment that we make in life. This doesn't mean that giving up is the only option.  We are living in a world where people seem to be giving up more easily. Yes, some relationships truly need to end...but I feel that more couples needs to live by this philosophy:

A reporter asked the couple, "How did you manage to stay together for 65 years?" The woman replied, "We were born in a time when if something was broken we would fix it, not throw it away.." -Source

My Grandparents have been married for almost 60 years


  1. How do you handle being either single or just getting over a breakup?

    1. To be honest...I am no pro at relationships. We are all so different and everything is so situational. I recommend surrounding yourself with positive people and keeping busy. If you sit there and over analyze your hurt...then you are going to be in a lot of pain. Also...don't allow a relationship to determine your self, as an individual determine your own self worth..not another person! Thanks for commenting on my blog.


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