Monday, June 11, 2012

Eat chocolate. It's good..and stuff.

     I recently went to Europe. This was my second time being there. Each visit I have purchased large amounts of chocolate to take home with me. When receiving a strange look from the cashier..I respond with, "No, I'm not depressed...Yes, I love chocolate...No, I'm not sharing it (hehe, kidding)". Why do I buy so much chocolate when in Europe? It's better there. The End. The purpose of this entry is not to discuss my vices, but merely to teach myself and others that chocolate does have its benefits. Whenever I eat too much of something, I usually research the benefits in order to decrease guilt :)

  • Milk chocolate contains phosphate, which prevents the teeth from decaying. 
  • It's considered a mild stimulant.
  • It's high in vitamins B1, B2, D, and E. It also contains potassium and magnesium. 
  • It's known to lower blood pressure.
  • This amazing treat also contains loads of antioxidants which boost the immune system. 
  • It is said that it may also lower cholesterol. 

      With that said...I'm not recommending that people should eat chocolate with every meal. Although there are benefits, I'm sure with research I could find harmful effects as well. Moderation is key. Even water is harmful when consumed in ridiculously large amounts.

     As I type, I am putting a piece of Galaxy chocolate in my mouth; it's also bed time. I should probably start practicing what I preach...I'll work on that tomorrow. K bye!


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