It is time to get my oil changed. Dun dun dun! (Again, I'm dramatic)
When do I actually have time to do that? I already work half my life away-I swear my "free time" and "spare money" goes to things I don't feel like doing or paying for. It then dawned on me that I need to make my annual dentist and my gynecology appointment. Yes, the vagina doctor-get over it. Honestly, if you can't handle the word vagina at this age, you probably won't get married. That was mean, sorry..I retract that statement. But really..vagina. Okay, I'm done.
For one to live, one must maintain...many things. Health...Finances...and if you have a little extra time..maybe you'll have time to enjoy your "want tos" as well? I guess happiness does coincide with the "have tos". But come to think of it, I chose this complication. I chose to purchase a car, I choose to keep up with my doctors appointments that are usually unnecessary and a waste of time...honestly, WebMD has helped me more. We choose many of our complications in order to keep up with society's standards. I'm not complaining, just being honest with myself.
I really want to simplify my "have tos" and "needs".
I want more time to blog-just kidding, I clearly blog enough.
If your window isn't open right now, you're missing out. Today's weather was such a refresher. K bye!
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