Thursday, April 11, 2013

I'm Irrational.

     You know how I know it's Spring? A spider was on me this morning and my immediate..."rational" reaction was to scream, drop my bags on the driveway and then throw my coffee in the air. I know what you're thinking...poor coffee. Honestly, it was going to be consumed anyway, so it died a quicker death when being thrown. 

     My fear of spiders is irrational. I think it runs in the family because my older sister drove into a brick wall once because of a spider. Don't worry, she's fine. Stink bugs fly into my shower and it doesn't phase me-but if I see a spider half the size of a stink bug..I literally go insane and can't control it. It's embarrassing. One time a spider was in my car and I almost drove off the road. The passengers were not happy with me. 

     Spiders only bother me when they are unexpected. I actually find them somewhat interesting (but barely) if they are in their natural habitat. Oh, if you really want to see something hilarious-watch my reaction after I walk through one of their webs by mistake...I look like I'm a weird dancer on crack. 

This was outside of my bathroom window. Because Charlotte was on the other side of the glass, I was able to stop and enjoy her beauty without having a heart attack. 

     Spiders are the devil. If I hear one more person say..."But Dana, they kill off so many bugs and keep balance in the ecosystem"..I don't care. Although that is true and logical...I have an IRRATIONAL fear of spiders. Logic will not help me and I will punch you (with my mind) if you say that to me. 

     I will never trust anything with eight legs. Anything with eight legs is greedy and hogs all the legs. The End. 


  1. Did you see the recent YouTube video of a place in Africa or South America or somewhere else tropical where it looked like there were millions of spiders raining from the sky? That would just send me over the edge!

    1. I did!! I believe it was in Brazil. I almost threw up at work when watching it.

  2. What gets me is snakes. I can't stand them! I once saw a dead snake and I couldn't bring myself to touch it. Spiders don't really scare me though.


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