Sunday, July 29, 2012

My First Fried Rice

     Hi there! I love food. For a while there..I was learning how to create things in the kitchen. It's been hard lately because I've had less free time. The other day at work, I smelled the most amazing thing. It was my co-workers lunch. After 5 minutes of telling her how amazing it looked and smelled, she offered me a bite. It was her version of fried rice, with vegetables and tofu. It inspired me to create my own.

Brown Rice-Scrambled Eggs-Green Beans-Minced Onions- Olive Oil- Curry- and Sea Salt
     It's comforting to know that the food you're eating tastes good...but let's take it a step further and make that same meal flavorful and healthy at the same time! Below are health benefits of each main ingredient in my recipe. Keep in mind, moderation is key (I say this over and over again) Just because there is soy sauce in my healthy fried rice..doesn't mean that you should drink soy sauce. K-glad we understand that. 

Brown Rice                                                         
  • Lowers risk of diabetes                      
  • High in fiber                                        
  • May prevent weight gain
  • May lower cholesterol 
  • Promotes bone health
  • Great for the eyes-may prevent macular degeneration
  • Contains protein and Vitamin D
  • Helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.
  • Healthy hair and nails
Green Bean
  • Great source of fiber
  • Contain Vitamins C, K, A, and B
  • Great source of potassium, iron beta-carotene
  • Improve the integrity of blood vessels
  • Decrease inflammation
  • May inhibit tumor growth
  • Contains Vitamin C and Chromium 

      You may be wondering why there is no meat in this dish. I've been trying to limit my meat intake. No, I am not a vegetarian, but I have found that there are other sources of iron and protein..and it's fun to explore! 

     Make this dish-it tastes good. K bye!



Saturday, July 21, 2012

Causal chain, it's up to you.

"But the more I see the less I understand
Watching as the water swallows the land
I'm starting to believe there was never a plan
That the world's gone mad
Something's out of order, out of place
Nothing we were taught is happening today
If you are the maker watching down
What a mess you're making on this town"- Missy Higgins

     Various events have caused me to slightly lose faith in humanity. But then there are those moments that bring hope back. Goodness does exist; and when we feel it has become lost, we shouldn't try to find it...we should create it whenever we can. 

    As much as I admire Missy Higgins, I must say that I disagree with her lyrics. She blames our creator for the problems in the world. I have yet to establish my belief system...but whether God is real or not...we cannot sit here and blame Him/It/She for the negativity  surrounding us. 

   I am extremely tired of people blaming God for their problems. Of course, as soon as they need something, they go straight to Him and feel entitled to every blessing they wish for. If God exists, He gave us a brain...He gave us choices...He gave us the ability to take responsibility for our actions and the consequences to follow. 

     We are a causal chain; what we do impacts the world whether we realize it or not. I have recently been investing more of my time observing the media. The media tends to deliver bad news often. It's everywhere. We need to change that. The world can't be perfect, but why not strive for it? It's up to each and every one of us. The world seems bad, but it's not. We get so tied up in the most meaningless things...that we miss beauty and goodness when it's directly in front of us. 

.."Be Kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.." 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yoga Technique in the Bedroom

Oh...did you think this was going to be a dirty post? Shame on you! Yes, I have been reading Fifty Shades of Grey..but that doesn't mean I'm going to write about it in detail. C'mon-don't be silly! 

     This entry is merely about falling asleep using yoga technique. Some people don't consider sleep an important part of their life...but it is a priority in mine. I highly believe in recharging. Actually, it's not a belief...recharging is a necessity. I took a yoga course in college thinking it would be my "easy" class. It was actually one of my most challenging classes of the semester. I have been intrigued ever since and continue my yoga practice when I can. I am attending this yoga festival in August: You should go!

 I have difficulty falling asleep. My mind doesn't stop and sometimes I just have too much energy. There is a yoga position that can assist in falling asleep
 Shavasana (shä·väˑ·s·n),
n “corpse pose,” a component of yoga practice that promotes a state of homeostasis, thus allowing the person to release emotional and physical tension; performed at the end of all the asanas.
Jonas: Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (c) 2005, Elsevier.

  • Lie on your back with a small pillow under your head (you want your whole body to be mostly flat)
  • Arms at side-palms facing up to the ceiling.
  • Legs straight out-uncrossed. 
  • I was also taught to wear an eye mask...this forces the body to know it's time for sleep. 
  • Make sure your body is covered with a blanket. 
     Shavasana relaxes the body and mind; it relaxes one's organs, skin, and muscles. It has been known to cure insomnia. Why rely on medications when you can try natural remedies first? You don't have to be a yoga expert to master this pose. It requires little flexibility and experience. 

    With sincere innocence...I suggest you use yoga technique in the bedroom. Oh, and with sincere open-mindedness...I suggest you use other yoga techniques in the bedroom as well. Take that any way you would like! 

Monday, July 2, 2012

We are Bad Ass

     Hi. I feel Bad Ass on a regular basis. And you should as well. No, I have not jumped out of a plane yet (one day), but there are simple daily events that should make us feel... Bad Ass. I will now refrain from cursing. I feel super Bad-A when I attempt to not cuss, although I'm not always successful. I have attempted the following activities and they have made me feel Bad-A. You should try them.  


  • Singing...anywhere. Even if you suck.
  • Driving on the highway. I didn't attempt this until age 20. Why? It scared the living daylights out of me.
  • Shaving. Hey, those blades are sharp-you are taking a huge risk every time you embark on this journey.  
  • Smiling at a stranger. They will either smile back or they will not reciprocate. You are risking rejection while attempting to spread joy.
  • Exercising. I don't care how you do this as long as it benefits your body. You go Glen-Co-Co!
  • Face Mask. I don't know why, but I feel Bad-A whenever I put one on. 
  • Proving someone wrong.
  • Admitting when you are wrong. 
  • Wake up early (before 9) and take a gorgeous picture!
Early Morning Bumble Bee
  • Being that tiny little sperm that made it! That's a huge success! Congrats!
  • Learning to play a challenging song on the piano...even if it's not challenging to others. 
  • Attempting to try something new. You are risking failure, which is Bad-A....but only if you attempt it again.
  • Dancing in public...or private..hehe.
  • Learning an entire rap song. Preferably "Hoe" by Ludacris. 
  • Merely getting off your lazy butt and doing SOMETHING productive. You are risking getting hit by a train or something..who knows. 
  • Serving tables. Everybody needs to work in a restaurant at least once in their life. They will become a better person. 
  • Travelling. It's liberating. Do it while you can. 
  • Camping. Duh. 
  • Hold a cloud.   
  • Reading my blog. That's pretty Bad-A. You know what's even better..writing your own. You are interesting. 

Hold a Cloud. 
      Okay. If you ever feel lame...or un-Bad-A...look in the mirror and think about what you do on a daily basis. You are most likely Bad-A. If you still don't feel Bad-A...then do something about it. That, my friend, would be super Bad Ass.