I have visual snow-also referred to as Migraine Aura. I didn't always have it. What am I talking about when I say visual snow? It's basically static vision in my entire visual field. I have it at all times...I can even see it when my eyes are closed. Do you think I'm crazy yet? Don't worry, a lot of doctors felt the same way.
It all started about 5 years ago. I was a freshman in college. I started seeing small white dots in my visual field and it would gradually get worse week by week. It happened that fast. So of course...I used Google. Big mistake, it merely creates paranoia.
I decided to go to the doctor because it got to the point where I couldn't even recognize faces at night, and I could barely handle being in a bright room. Ehem, all college classrooms use florescent lighting..so going to class wasn't my favorite activity. I still complain about going to Walmart because the lighting makes me feel like a vampire as I cringe entering the building.
I went to see doctor...after doctor...I took test after test...this lasted about 3 years. By the way...most doctors laughed at me...to my face. Seriously, they could have at least called me crazy behind my back. That would have been nice. Because after a while..I started to agree with them, maybe I was going crazy. I'm a psychology major..I studied crazy people every day..so what made me so immune to insanity?
Not only was I experiencing visual disturbances 24/7 (literally)..I was extremely fatigue...my memory retention was declining...and I was experiencing horrible headaches. There's more symptoms, but this isn't a pity party-it's a discovery!
I was about to leave for Ireland in about 3 weeks and I was feeling the most horrible I had ever felt. All of my symptoms had worsened. So I decided to see another doctor...and was preparing to be laughed at again. This time I felt genuine concern and curiosity from my doctor. I felt relief. After a few tests I finally got an answer! Lyme Disease.
Lyme Disease? But I never had the "bull's eye" rash. Only 20% of carriers get the rash. Don't use that as your identifier. As soon as you experience any symptoms...go to the doctor immediately. Because if you catch it too late....the damage to your body is permanent. It will effect you neurologically when being left untreated.
I still experience my symptoms on a daily basis. However, I feel at peace because I finally know that I wasn't going crazy. I felt these things for a reason. Don't ever allow a doctor to laugh at you.
There is no cure for visual snow...trust me, I've done the research. One day. Until then...I'll deal with it. We all have our challenges, and I feel blessed that this is my challenge....along with many in the future!
Wow, I never knew about visual snow let alone that you were dealing with it. Thanks for sharing love. I'm sure it will help those who read it be more appreciative about their situations or at the very least, teach them something new. You have a great outlook. Stay strong *hug*