Wednesday, July 1, 2015

50 thoughts I have had during an exercise class.

I consider myself to be a relatively healthy person. I workout 2-3 times a week and then sometimes go months without even thinking about exercise. I eat healthy but make sure I have something chocolate involved at least once per day ….and maybe my occasional McDonalds fries twice a year. THEY ARE REALLY GOOD YAY SWEET AND SOUR SAUCE-don’t judge; but kale and blueberries are favorite, so that’s a good sign. I prefer to exercise alone because I feel more confident and don’t hold back. When I exercise with a group of people…my mind begins to wonder and the thoughts are not only endless, but also slightly bi-polar.  Please see below:

50 thoughts I have had during an exercise class:

  1. Do I really feel like taking this class? There’s still time to turn around.
  2. No, I need this. Remember…Dream body…Dream body…Dream body…AND ENDORPHINS!
  3. Okay, I’ll pick this spot…it’s close to the front…but close to the exit as well.  
  4. Ooooo I like her pants. I really need to ask her where she got those.
  5. Oh crap! We’re starting…I should drink a lot of water before it gets too crazy.
  6. Does my hair look okay? Wait..who cares, I shouldn’t care about that right now. Why do I care? Why am I still thinking about my hair? Stop thinking about your hair! Ugh, this is totally going to fall out mid class…I still have some time to make it tighter.
  7. Okay, this class is pretty easy. I can do this. Only 40 minutes to go. I can do this. Yea, this is super easy; I totally look like I know what I’m doing.
  8. Yay! I’m sweating. Goal accomplished.
  9. Okay, I’m a little out of breath…but that’s normal.  Nothing to worry about at all.
  10. Wow, my heart is starting to beat incredibly fast. That’s normal though…nothing to worry about.
  11. Okay…I’m worried, my heart rate is very fast. I can feel it and hear it.  This can’t be safe.
  12. Maybe I should stop and check my heart rate.
  13. No, people will think I’m paranoid and I can’t allow anyone to know the truth about that.
  14. But really, her pants are so cute! As soon as this class is over…I am finding out where she got those!
  15. Okay, why is this class so hard for me, yet everyone else seems to not be challenged at all?
  16. Seriously, this was supposed to be a beginners level class.....
  17. I’m hungry.
  18. Thank God; that girl to my left is really struggling, at least I’m doing better than one person in this class. Oh God, what if I look like that too?
  19. Okay, stop being insecure…you aren’t the center of the universe and no one even knows you’re here. Calm down.
  20. Okay, someone definitely farted… People are gross. I love people, but right now…I hate people.
  21. Ooooo she’s really doing great-I’m going to watch her so I can get on her level.
  22. CRAP! We made eye contact…maybe I should just quickly look away. Yes, that’s how it has to be done.
  23. Am I breathing too loud?
  24. Okay, maybe I’m just dehydrated. I’ll drink some water.
  25. Great. I’m out of water.
  26. I’m sorry, but how the hell can this instructor talk and workout simultaneously.. was she born with an extra lung?
  27. Where did she get all of this energy? Maybe she actually sleeps 8 hours per night.
  28. That’s it! I’m going to bed at 9 tonight.
  29. Wait no I can’t…I am supposed to finish Orange Is The New Black tonight.
  30. What do I want for dinner? It should be healthy. CHIPOTLE?! Yes.
  31. I wonder how many calories I’ve burned so far. But really, what is a calorie? I know it’s energy and blahblahblah, but what does a calorie even look like? Okay, I’m over it.
  32. Ugh, my heart rate can’t be safe right now. My heart is beating so fast.
  33. Am I dying?
  34. OMG, what if I died in this class?
  35. Okay, that’s not going to happen….I should research this on WebMD later.
  36. I’m never taking this class again.
  37. Seriously, it’s 2014, we shouldn’t have to work this hard to be fit.
  38. Wait, it’s 2015 now…WHY IS TIME MOVING SO FAST?
  39. What’s the meaning of life?
  40. OMG, not now…deep thoughts are not happening right now.
  41. Okay, thank goodness…we are finally cooling down.
  42. Ahhhh I love this stretch.
  44. I am so happy this class didn’t kill me.
  45. I deserve ice cream. I’m getting ice cream tonight.
  46. I should totally be a workout instructor. Seriously.
  47. Wait no, because then people would have to look at me.
  48. THE CLASS IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SURVIVED!!!!!!!
  49. This wasn’t difficult at all.
  50. Crap, the girl with the cute pants already left. Now I’ll never know.

 Welcome to my brain.