Thursday, December 13, 2012

Things people pay for..

Happy Thursday!!! What's so happy about Thursday? I'm not sure...but I feel like Thursday doesn't get enough credit. So there. Anyways...people (including myself) are strange. They spend their money on weird things. 

Boobs: They are annoying. People actually buy them. They get in the way, they hurt, they prevent you from running properly, and they take attention away from your face. You don't believe me? I am the perfect spokesperson...I suffer every time I run up and down the stairs. 

Heels: I am guilty for purchasing these death traps. Yes, they make my legs look long and 10 lbs skinnier..but they are sneaky. You try them on for 5 minutes and they are "so comfortable!" Have you noticed that at the end of every fun event, women end up barefoot? That's because heels hurt. The human foot is not meant to wear such a shoe. Yet...I still buy them. Funny how we compromise our comfort for pretty feet.

Spicy Food: I hate it. Many people love it and tell me that I will build tolerance and end up loving it too. I shouldn't have to build tolerance to like food. I don't like to suffer while I eat. Eating is for survival and pleasure...not for fire in the mouth that lingers no matter how much water you drink. Maybe I'm missing out on a world of flavors. I'll survive. 

Fake Nails: I have purchased these. One day I calculated how much they cost a year...about $700 dollars. Uh, do you know how much food that could buy (non-spicy)? Funny, sometimes I see people who claim to be struggling with money wearing their beautiful fake nails. You are not struggling. Look at the something that will give you perspective. Although they are pretty, they are super high maintenance...and make you feel obligated to go to nail salon every 2 weeks.

Expensive Bar Drinks: I am guilty of purchasing such a drink. Every time I look at the tab..I want to kick myself in the face. Was it worth it? Great.. I just paid $50 bucks for a headache when I could have made my own headache drink at home. And, I wouldn't have to figure out a ride home. I'd already be there. This dumb purchase usually coincides with the purchase of Heels. I don't mind the occasional drink..but when one purchases several drinks at a bar, they are basically paying for poison...really expensive poison. 

Vanity License Plates: These are actually dangerous. They are easier to remember than ordinary if you cut someone off by mistake..they won't forget you...and there are crazy people our there that want to hurt bad drivers. Be safe, don't waste your money on a vanity license plate. 

Strip Clubs: Really, do I have to explain? Yes, someone of these dancers are super talented...and because of a recent video I watched, I have a higher respect for the art of pole dancing. But strip clubs are trashy...and a huge tease. If you weren't so busy at a strip club...maybe you would be out on a real date...meeting the love of your life who can do a private strip tease for you...for free. 

The link provided below will make you appreciate pole dancing. This girl has the strongest core I have ever seen.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

You were here.

It hurts to feel so I remain blank
A part of me knows this is real
but my heart tells me it’s a mistake
My heart hurts when I think of you
When you left, a piece of me left too
I’ll never be the same..and I’m proud of that
All that’s left are photos and memories slowly sneak back
Although I can’t see you, I can still hear your laugh
You were in so much pain, and now that you are free
Your pain has traveled to me..and I’m thankful
This heartache is proof that you were here
It’s a permanent scar that I hold dear
I can’t face reality, and I don’t think I ever will
This hasn't gotten any easier
There is so much in me that you have instilled
Will this ever get easier?
This isn't a loss. You were never mine to lose.
But I have lost a part of my self and you brought it with you.
How do people move on when they refuse to feel the pain?
You were here. You are here. The proof is that we miss you.