Tuesday, September 18, 2012


     I am a planner. I always have been. To-Do lists have been my operating system/savior...even if it's 10 years in advance, I've probably planned it. I cross things off my daily lists with a sigh of relief...and then there is an odd pause of dissatisfaction. Why?

     The car is a dangerous place. This is where I have my deepest darkest thoughts, and it's completely unintentional. I have one simple thought about grocery shopping and then all of a sudden I'm wondering what people will say at my funeral. Depressing? No. Just curious. Don't make fun of me, we've all wondered the same thing.  

     Anyways...I was in the car thinking today. Yes, danger zone. I started thinking about my life goals...whether it may be a book to complete, a country to visit, a musical to perform in, a meal to eat, getting married, having kids...yes there is a wide range of random goals. I then started to think about where I am in life compared to other people my age and if I'm happy with that. I believe that I am on the right track with only the best intentions. 

     Although I have accomplished more than I thought I ever would...I am looking forward to reaching other goals. As a matter of fact..I'm especially looking forward to looking forward. (Uh...explain?) What I mean to say is that sometimes looking forward to something truly is the most exciting part about completing a goal. 

     I earlier stated that there is an odd pause of dissatisfaction when checking something off my list. It's because that long waited process and hard work is over for that goal. This isn't a bad thing. It just comes to show, that we can miss looking forward to exciting things. 

     I can plan all I want...but life isn't going to necessarily go by my plans. I'm not in control of everything. Sometimes we have to learn to go with the flow..hope for the best...but work as hard as we possibly can (unless it's nap time-that's important). Life will take you where your plans didn't know they wanted to go. 

Courtesy of Emma Snow telling me to jump in a random field.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Crisp Air & Changing Leaves

Hey, long time no speak. Sorry for the lack of communication. I'm currently working full time while having 3 hour musical rehearsals every night. Oddly enough..I've noticed that that busier I am, the more energy I have. I thought that the opposite would ensue, but hey...I'm not complaining.

Home Sweet Home a couple years ago

Living in Maryland is quite enjoyable..I get to experience all four seasons. Winter is only fun when it snows-and yeah, the Holidays are fun too. Spring brings the amazing thunder storms and flowers. Summer is an even more intense Spring. And then there is Fall...my fav. Fall means many things to me. 

  • Fresh crisp air
  • Colors
  • Ricciuti's Butternut Squash Bisque
  • Hot apple cider
  • Wine Festivals
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Feeling comfortable in a T-shirt or a sweater-take your pick!
  • Scarves
  • Boots
  • Windows open at all times
  • Pumpkin Spice Candles
  • Craving more naps
  • Candy Corn 
  • Hearing my friends get excited about football 
  • Giving Trick-Or-Treaters candy when I secretly want to be running house to house with them
  • The spiders are bigger and for someone reason they like to throw surprise parties in my car
  • Never raking the leaves because they will be back with a vengeance within an hour
  • Hocus Pocus and Halloween Town are on television.
  • My appetite increases in preparation for my body to gain insulation for the winter
  • Sugar Loaf Mountain  

 Fall is my favorite. It's brings me happiness, taste-bud satisfaction, guilt free naps, and it smells amazing. Last night was my first night of feeling the crisp cool air, and I enjoyed every shiver. As I type this, I am inhaling the amazing scent of my Pumpkin Spice candle and I feel the cool breeze through my open window. Life is good. 

Dear Autumn, 

I missed you. Please don't ever leave me again. This is my love letter to you. 


P.S. Seriously, don't transition into Winter.