Speaking of a pedicure, I got one today. And I only felt guilty on the drive there. Once it started, I began a conversation with a nail technician that I will never forget. As soon as I put my feet in the amazing hot water, I noticed the lady staring at my chest. While ignoring the awkward stare, she blurts out.."I love your big boobs, people pay for those in my country". I replied..."They are real, and you can have them if you'd like". After realizing how outspoken this woman was...I decided that I liked her. I put my iPhone away and continued the conversation with her. She also thought I was still in high school, so I definitely loved this person.
She seemed very interested in my relationship with my boyfriend and was so excited to hear that I chose him. That really confused me until she later explained that her marriage was arranged. She met her husband the day before her wedding.Her mother chose him. She had just turned 20 and he was 34. Wow. I couldn't believe it. I really take my freedom of choice for granted. Arranged marriages are more common than we think. And this was my first time talking with someone who has experienced it. Because she was so outspoken, I figured I'd be the same. I asked if she was happy, and surprisingly, she said yes! The only thing she would have changed is the fact that she was so young. Which makes sense because I was a completely different person at that age. I'm not against getting married at that age, as long as you can find someone to grow and change with as the years go by.
Yay for influential pedicures. K bye!