Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sing Strong-I met someone cool.

"I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music" -Billy Joel

     I attended Sing Strong this past weekend. It's an amazing a cappella festival with an amazing cause. I'm going to keep typing "amazing" because everything about this event is amazing. The End. 

     Anyways...the event raises money to support the Alzheimer's Association. Not only are there amazing workshops with talented/credible individuals, but there are amazing performances (I told you that I'm going to keep typing the word "amazing"-deal with it). The winners of NBC's The Sing Off, Pentatonix were flawless. Two finalists from the show, Maxx Factor and Afro-Blue performed as well. Blue Jupiter, one of my favorite a cappella groups performed as well and basically produced the entire weekend-along with many other hard working individuals. The weekend included many other bad ass performances from awesome groups. Words cannot describe the talent this weekend. So, you'll have to attend next year :)

Squawkappella with big deal

     Why am I rambling about this event? Whether you sing or need to attend this, there is so much talent and it supports a great cause. It's super fun. Also, I watched an artist perform this weekend and had the pleasure of meeting her. Her music has really impacted me.

     Julia Easterin. As soon as she began to perform, my jaw hit the floor and I held my breath for the entire song. She is enchanting. I know I'm an emotional person...but it takes a lot for a song to make me cry. I cried. Her music physically lifted me. I felt like I was floating. She uses a live looping station to layer all of her instruments...voices only (a cappella festival). The layer of her harmonies and rhythm created an entire band on stage. 

Watch this-it will change your life. 

     Not only did her music inspire me...but her words did as well. After the show, everyone attended the after glow party. I had the opportunity of sharing a Twix Bar with Julia. Chocolate brings people together, duh. Julia asks me, "do you sing?" I wished I had a voice like hers, so I replied, "Not like you." She went on to say.."You're right, you sing like you". Such simple words really resonated in me. I am going to embrace my voice and continue to admire other talents. 

Buy Julia's music on ITunes. Do it. K thanks :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Beneficial Bacteria

     Moderation is key; I am a moderate health freak. Although I need my fix of chocolate and carbs....I still find time for nutrition. Yes, the key word is nutrition. Starving yourself is not fun, cool, or healthy...and you will end up looking gross. Health is sexy. I encourage eating at all times. The key to health (and life in general) is moderation. 

    I have several health obsessions at the moment, which include: breakfast smoothies...kale...chia seeds...almonds...coconut oil...and Kefir. Kefir is quite interesting and new to me. My co-workers have raved about it, so I decided to bring it into my life. 

      Kefir is basically a yogurt drink. It contains beneficial yeast and friendly probiotic bacteria. The body needs good bacteria for optimal health. Kefir contains valuable vitamins, minerals, and protein. It is amazing for the digestive system; a healthy digestive tract is essential to one's health and has a huge impact on the immune system!

"It has been used to help patients suffering from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, and cancer. Its tranquilizing effect on the nervous system has benefited many who suffer from sleep disorders, depression, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)." -Kefir Info

      As you can see...Kefir has infinite benefits. You can drink it by itself, blend it into a smoothie...pour it over granola or can consume it any way you'd like. I like drinking it at night because at times I have found that it makes me sleepy. 

      My only advice would be...and I learned this the hard not over-do it. Moderation is key. I enjoyed the drink so much to the point that I was drinking 2-3 glasses a day. Don't do this. Your stomach will be in pain. You will not be happy. When I yelled at my coworkers for poisoning me...they asked how much I drank of it and when I told them the amount, they made fun of me for the rest of the shift. Lesson learned. One glass (AT MOST) per day is perfect. 

      There are many brands of Kefir but I like the one in the photo above. It tastes great, it's reasonably priced, and there are many flavor options to choose from- variety is fun.

      Health is fun-enjoy! K bye



Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Excessively Connected

"Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless, that for some people it is a complete substitute for life" -Andrew Brown

        I am excessively connected. What do I mean when I say that? I have a Facebook, MySpace (yes, I have not deleted it), Twitter, Pinterest, cell phone, email, LinkedIn, Instagram, and a blog (as you can see). Yes, I have had some free time lately, but it is nearly impossible to keep up with all of this mess. 

      When one is this excessively's difficult to hide. No, I don't want to hide from the world, but sometimes I just want to my surroundings. There was a time when I didn't have a cell phone. I didn't have the pressure of always having to be in contact. The most free I have ever felt is when I have been out of the country with my phone off. (GASP...CELL PHONE OFF?!...yes, it can be done). It's merely me and my surroundings. Extremely Liberating. 

     We always have the pressure of having to respond. Why is it rude if we don't feel like answering the phone..or a facebook message? Why do we feel the pressure of always having to please others? It's so easy to get in touch with people. We take communication for granted. "They didn't answer my text....ok I'll write on their wall". 

      It felt so amazing to send out "Thank You" cards after my graduation. I realized that I hadn't written a letter in forever. Write someone a letter...and mail it. Do it, I dare you. 

      I have 1,986 friends on Facebook. Who are these people and why have I not deleted them? They are not my friends...ok fine, some of you are ;-)

      Being excessively connected makes the world too small...and I feel that being this connected can be mentally draining and dangerous. Moderation is key. Too much of anything is bad; if you eat an excessive amount of carrots..your skin will turn orange. Not a myth-Trust me, I went through a carrot juice stage.

      Goal, stay away from the computer a little more often. Ok...I have to go...I need to check my Facebook notifications. K bye. 

Monday, March 19, 2012


"The sense of self, providing sameness and continuity over time"

     For years...I have been seeking to discover and create my consistent identity. For years...I have pondered if there truly is a "self". Life experiences and our surroundings create who we are as a person. Therefore...we are going to continue to change and grow (hopefully). Well, what stays the same? From birth to now....what stays consistent?  

     I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I never realized how fast people can change. I have always described myself as curious...genuine...and obnoxious. I feel that these are the only characteristics that have stayed consistent. At times these qualities have helped me succeed...and at other times they have caused me to fail. Regardless...I will always..always be curious...genuine...and obnoxious. 

     This is one of my favorite pictures from Israel. I was there for only 10 days...and I feel like a completely different person. I know that my identity has changed...but I can't figure out how. I feel calmer...I feel at peace. However, I am even more confused about my identity than I was before. I used to always wish that I could find myself...but instead, I am going to create myself through the choices and events that I am in control of. This picture represents that for me. We are one group...on a journey that we are in control of for the most part...and instead of being impatient for the destination...we are enjoying the time spent putting one foot in front of the other- because sometimes that all you really can do. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” – Hilaire Belloc

      Tonight feels strange. In a good way. I am going to Israel tomorrow. It's probably a good idea to start packing now. The weather is going to range from 30 to 80 it may be tricky to pack light. It snowed in Jerusalem yesterday...and it's going to be spring weather in Tel Aviv. Hmmm....interesting. By the way...Israel is smaller than New Jersey. 

"We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” – Hilaire Belloc

     This quote really touches me. Ever since graduation...I feel as if I've been wandering...distracting myself from "the real world"...what does that even mean? I know what it means...It means working 40+ hours a week, never seeing daylight, and not having time to eat lunch. I don't think I will ever get used to that. When the time comes, hopefully I am working 40 hours a week doing what I yoga  (I'm allowed to dream-leave me alone). Anyway...ever since I lost my full time job...I've been procrastinating to look for something new..or at least make some sort of decision. 

     Birthright is a trip where I can go to Israel for 10 days....ehem for free. Yes, for free. They are covering my flight...hotel...and food. What the flip? I would be stupid not to go. I am traveling with 20+ strangers. I am going to see sites that are about 3,000 years old. So much much beauty. Oh yeah, I get to ride a camel and float in the Dead Sea. 

     I was born into a Jewish family, but I barely know anything about my religion. My friends call me a "Holiday Jew". Religion scares me. I avoid it. My philosophy is to treat people how I want to be treated; and if there is a Heaven, I will qualify. Due to the fact that I am a philosophy minor...I am programmed to question everything. 

     I think it is extremely important to understand my religion and other religions as well. I owe it to my great grandmother, Oma (who lived to be 101) to understand my religion. She lost her entire family in the Holocaust...they died because of what they believed in. Oma, her husband, and daughter (my grandmother) fled to America and that is why I am alive today. I am so blessed to have met three of my great grandparents. 

     Almost finished packing....but my adorable kitty won't let me zip up my suitcase. I am allergic to him. When I pet him, it looks like I was punched in the face because I get so swollen. But I love it's worth it...sometimes. 

     Am I nervous to travel with strangers? Nope. I love talking to strangers. Sorry parents, I can't follow all of my childhood rules. K bye. 


Friday, March 2, 2012

Food is cool.

     In my earlier post.. I mentioned that at one time I could barely boil water. That is really sad...I know. I just thought of cooking as something so unreachable and confusing. It really intimidated me. So I relied on processed food and a lot of restaurants.  

     First of all...eating out all of the time is extremely expensive. You don't realize it, but it adds up. Therefore, my New Years Resolution was to eat at home more. This entails a lot of creativity and planning, which has been fun. I've been researching recipes a lot and then attempting to create my own. Some are a success...and others-not so much. I have had a lot of time on my as soon as I "perfect" something...I force my family, friends, and boyfriend to try it. Poor victims. Sometimes they are pleasantly surprised though ;-)

    Another plus of cooking at home is the fact that you actually know what is in your food. I love that. Just so you know...I am all for eating at restaurants. I work at one-so of course I encourage's how I make my money. I just think that we need to be more selective of where we are eating if we do decide to enjoy a night of not cooking. 

      I work at Ricciuti's...The Olney House. This beautiful home was built in the 1800's and I have worked there for 6 years. I have been so blessed to have such an amazing job throughout high now. I have not only worked with a great staff..but I have really learned a lot about food. I have to try everything...even if it's something I'm afraid of. I'm so intrigued by our food, that I even hang out in the kitchen and beg our chef to let me help with food prep. Sometimes he says yes...but I can tell that I'm in his way :)

      Ricciuti's is an eco-friendly restaurant...we serve locally grown seasonal produce, eco-friendly fish, local chicken, beef and dairy, and locally roasted coffee. It's interesting...I never used to think food had to be pretty...I just thought it had to taste good. But, presentation is extremely important! I am proud to say that every entree, dessert, and drink at Ricciuti's looks pretty to me. Maybe I'm biased...oh well. 

I forgot what the point of this post was....maybe I'm hungry. K bye. 

I'm a Newbie

Hi friends. 

        I have never....ever...considered blogging. I used to view it as a public diary. Also, I am a horrible thank goodness for the Google "Did you mean...." I always have so much to say, but have found it difficult to put into writing. I am a philosophy minor, which means I had to write about 4-5 papers a week. I usually got A's on them. However, there were times I would get B's because I over-analyze everything causing me to contradict myself without even realizing it...and I write the way I speak- which at times is extremely scattered and ADD. 

       Let me introduce myself. My name is Dana. I really don't know how to describe myself. I'm short. I talk a lot. I sing all the time. At work I get stared at because I will sometimes sing without realizing it. I secretly wish my world was a musical...ok, it's not really a secret, I tell everyone that. I love talking to strangers. I am open-minded and accept that we are all different in our own way. I have made many mistakes...and I usually learn from them. I am far from perfect, and I'm learning to love my imperfections. Oh yeah, and I'm obsessed with Kale and Blueberries. 

      I am a recent college graduate. I'm supposed to sound excited when I say that...but instead I feel indifferent and over analyze the fact that time moves too quickly. I miss college life...a little too much. I know I know...I can always go back, which I plan to do so...however I don't want to rush things until I know what I want my focus to be. I started a full time job after college, and it didn't really fit well. Leaving was a blessing in disguise because I wasn't truly happy there and I rarely saw daylight. I am back to serving tables and I have a lot more free time. 

      I think this free time has been extremely important and I believe we all need it. You learn a lot about yourself. I used to not know how to boil water...and now I'm actually starting to consider myself a beginner cook. I LOVE food...I LOVE healthy food....and carbs. This free time has also given me the opportunity to travel to Israel. I leave in 2 days...and I'm freaking out. 

      I'm supposed to be sleeping right now, because I have the flu.....k bye. Thank you for letting me introduce myself.